21 Reasons for a Casino Event
21 Reasons Why Your Next Party Should Be a Casino Event
1. Casino Events are easy to Plan!
We are flexible when planning your casino event. We can bring our tables into any space at any time. We are easy to work with and capable of making any changes on the fly.
2. Customize the Casino to Your Liking!
Visualize the perfect casino event in your head, relay that message to us, and we will make it happen. Choose your favorite games, create your own rules, and add any effects that add to the experience.
3. Turn-Key Style Events!
We use any space you provide us to build a casino (and tear it down, too!) all in the same day. Consequently, you don’t have to deal with a lot of casino equipment in your way for longer than you expected.
4. Personalize Your Event!
Put your company logo on your chips! Place your boss’s face on custom “funny money.” Add your sponsor’s logo to a gaming felt. Put the birthday boy/girl on your playing cards. The opportunities are endless.
5. Your House, Your Rules!
You are the pit boss/supervisor/owner of this casino. You get to decide how we run your event. Think of yourself as Robert De Niro from the movie, “Casino”. What you say goes, while we make it happen!
6. Surprise Parties are Great, Surprise Casinos Are Better!
It’s difficult to plan surprise parties– Getting 30-150 people together while having everyone keep a secret, booking a space, getting food and drink, arranging entertainment, the list goes on and on. The guest of honor could potentially catch wind of a surprise party planned for him/her, but s/he will get a second surprise when they see the full casino event set up and ready for to play!
7. Hire the Dealers You Want!
We have a wide variety of dealers to choose from. Do you want men or women? Older or Younger? We cater to your specific needs; just let us know what you want.
8. The Perfect Blend of Personality in Our Dealers!
You will get personable dealers that will relate to your guests and entertain them. At the same time, their level of professionalism will shine through and they will teach gaming strategies at the same time!
9. Spice Up Your Event with Showgirls!
Include the flair that every casino party needs. Get a showgirl as your hostess or usher, or just have her walk around and entertain guests. Everyone loves Las Vegas Showgirls
10. Vegas-Style Equipment
Our equipment is the Best in the Midwest. Our equipment is either built by hand to replicate authentic Vegas tables or purchased from a U.S. manufacturer that produces tables for actual casinos in Vegas.
11. Slot Machines
We all know that one person who can sit at a slot machine ALL day. We can provide entertainment for those people as well.
12. Casino Décor
Add casino décor to bring your casino event to the ‘next level’, regardless of the casino “theme” you choose to use; i.e., James Bond, Monte Carlo, Prohibition, etc.
13. Capture the Moments!
There are numerous ways to capture these memories from a casino event. Photographers, photo booths, green screens, or PopNoggins–the possibilities are endless!
14. Custom Cake Bakers
Any birthday party would be incomplete without a birthday cake. Start planning the perfect casino cake with our professional cake baker.
15. How to Play the Games
If you have always wanted to learn a casino game, but never wanted to risk any of your hard-earned money to do so, don’t miss this opportunity. If you already know how to play, you can still ask our dealers to teach you some advanced strategies. There is always room to improve!
16. No Age Limit!
Anyone can play casino games at your casino event. We don’t limit the fun. If a guest is old enough to understand the game, we will teach it to them, responsibly, I might add!
17. Experience Vegas Without the Hassle of Going to Vegas.
We will give you all the positives of Vegas without any of the negatives. Avoid the mass crowds, public intoxication, and possibly losing your mortgage payment. Why spend all that money to fly somewhere when you can do the same in the privacy and luxury of your own home!
18. Work with Friends and Family to Beat the House!
A casino event is the perfect team-building opportunity! This is the one night that “cheating” is encouraged. Work together to beat the house! Go ahead and try to count cards, without the worry of getting kicked out of a casino.
19. Something New, Something Different!
How many times can you get together with the same people, sit around while enjoying cocktails, and share the same old stories year after year? Why not try something different, something that will give everyone new stories to share.
20. Win Prizes, Always Guaranteed a Winner!
We always recommend that the house give away a prize, so guests feel like they are playing towards a goal. Someone always wins at our events. Even if you walk out empty handed, you are still walking out with great memories and stories to share with your friends and family.